29 April 2016


What you eat and how you feel are strongly linked to how you feel. Just like other organs, the brain is impacted by the food we eat. Sugary foods like sweets, chocolate, and fizzy drinks give our bodies a sudden rush of energy that wears off leaving us feeling tired and sluggish. By improving the nutrients you are giving your body you will be surprised how quickly your body will feel better. Eating foods such as whole grain cereals, fruit, and veg your body will digest them slowly and won’t cause mood swings. Find out more

relaxIt may seem simple but relaxing can have a large impact on how you feel. You may feel you don’t have the time to relax but taking a few minutes out of your day can really improve how you’re feeling and even improve the quality of your work. Taking time out to read a book or have a bath can be just what you need to feel calmer.
Here are a few things you can try to help you relax
Focus on your breathing: Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.Start by Counting to 4 as you breathe in and out.
Listen to music: Music can relax you, connect you to your emotions and distract you from worrying thoughts.
Connect with nature: Take a walk in the countryside or through a local park, taking the time to notice things.
Get creative
Try and separate yourself from what you normally do it is important to try and distract yourself by playing a calm song that you connect with emotionally or getting lost in your favourite book. One I find really helpful is taking my dog for a walk always calms me down and makes me feel happier, especially if the weather is nice.
It is recommended that you have between 7 and 9 hours sleep a night, but what if you just download can’t sleep? These simple tips should help you get the sleep you need:
Train your brain: Try to sleep and wake up at the same time each day so your brain learns when it is time to sleep and when to wake up.
Create a routine: Establish a regular, relaxing bedtime routine to signal to your brain that it is time to sleep.
Don’t worry: If you can’t get to sleep, don’t just lay in bed worrying- get up and do something relaxing such as reading a book or listening to some music until you feel tired.

Physical Activity
Although some may see it as a chore, exercise releases endorphins- also known as ‘feel good hormones’ which will help to improve your mood.
Get active: Try and do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise a week such as walking fast or cycling.

Enjoy yourself: Find activities that you enjoy as this will help you make exercise part of your routine, these may be everyday activities such as gardening or walking.
Go outdoors: Exercising outdoors has been found to have even greater benefits on mental wellbeing.
Buddy up: Exercising with a friend is a good way of making exercise more enjoyable if it’s not really your thing, and they will help to keep you motivated.
Identify Mood Triggers
Knowing yourself is key to keeping on top of your mental health and staying healthy, here are a few ways you can do this:
Make a diary: This will help you to identify changes in your mood that you might not have spotted otherwise- maybe it’s a certain person or a food that changes your mood.
Know yourself: Doing this can help you avoid situations which could impact you negatively, even if you don’t have control over the situation this will help you remember to take extra care of yourself.