“Turning acorns into Oak Trees”

At Squirrels Nursery, we believe that all children deserve an education rich in wonder and memorable experiences that allows their natural creativity and curiosity to flourish, alongside the purposeful acquisition of skills and knowledge. We believe that an education that does all this will give children the best chance to become well-rounded, happy individuals, ready to succeed in an ever changing world. We recognise a curriculum that is ambitious and aspirational for all will enhance the cultural capital for every child and family.

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By the time our children finish their pre-school year we hope that they will:

  • Have developed age-appropriate independence; they are able to put on own their coat and shoes, serve themselves snack and attend to their toileting and hygiene needs.
  • Use their ever-growing vocabulary to communicate their needs, emotions and interests. They are able to communicate with their peers and confidently able to ask an adult for help.
  • Will have developed care and concern for themselves, living things and the environment, both inside nursery and wider within the community.
  • Have developed positive relationships with their peers and know what it means to be a good friend to others.

This curriculum has been carefully constructed to reflect all seven areas of learning and development included within the statutory Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) (2021) Framework while also being representative of the needs of children and their families attending our nursery setting. At Squirrels, we regularly refer to the non-statutory guidance ‘Birth to Five Matters’ to enhance our curriculum.

The Little Acorns Room

  • Our new and improved Baby Room cares for 12 babies at any one time from aged 12 weeks to approximately 18 months old.
  • We offer a intimate baby room to ensure we can meet the needs of all individual babies. Our ratio within this room is 1 staff member to every 3 babies.
  • Each child has a designated key person who will work closely with you to create a care plan which caters for your child’s requirements in regards to food, sleep and routine.
  • As your child develops your key person will work with you and your child to move over to the nursery routine this will help enrich your child’s social interactions.
  • Our experienced Practitioners are aware that leaving your child for the first time can be difficult, so we will work closely with you to support you through settling in sessions.

During settling in sessions your child’s key person will take the time to fill in an ‘All About Me’ form to ensure we get to know your child as best as possible. You will also be introduced to our planning system, which has been carefully designed to have each child’s learning objectives and interests at the centre of everything we do.

(New baby room will be available from 2nd September 2024)

Click here to find out more about the new room – New baby room info!

The Seedlings Room

  • Our Seedling rooms cares for children from 18 months to approximately 2 years old.
  • The ratio in this room is 1 member of staff to 3 children.
  • Within this room we only have 12 children at any one time.
  • Our Seedling room offers 5 different learning areas; Quiet/reading , role-play, physical, small world/construction and creative; to allow flexibility of activities for a range of development levels based on the needs of the children.
  • They have access to the sensory room, as well as the outdoor area and are taken for walks around our community.
  • Our experienced staff are aware that leaving your child for the first time may be a difficult process, so we ensure you have plenty of opportunities for visits prior to starting.

Your child’s key person will take the time to fill in a questionnaire about your child’s needs, likes, dislikes, routine and development levels within the guidelines of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS). This allows us to plan for your child and ensure they have access to resources that will both interest and stimulate them.

The Saplings Room

  • When your child is developmentally ready at approximately 2 years old your child will move up to our Sapling room.
  • This is a busy and vibrant room where the children start to become more independent. The ratio for our 2 to 3-year-olds is 1 member of staff to 4 children.
  • The children are encouraged to join in with small group activities such as story time and simple circle games.
  • Our Sapling room is arranged to make the most out of the space and provide the children with many areas to explore and develop in the seven areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS).
  • At snack times and lunch, the children sit at a table with a small group of peers and a member of staff who encourages the children to use forks and spoons independently and drink from open top cups.

The staff will work with you to encourage your child to begin toilet training when ready, they will gain a widened vocabulary and will be introduced to early literacy and numeracy in a more direct way alongside a variety of opportunities for physical play within the outdoor area and sensory room

Oak Trees Room Preschool

  • On reaching their next development stage around 3 years of age the children move to Preschool.
  • The ratio is 1 member of staff to 8 children.
  • We ensure the children have lots of opportunities to develop within the seven areas of learning from the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS).
  • Throughout the day multiple play-based activities focusing on the children’s current interests are located around the room to make your child’s day fun and informative.
  • When arriving in preschool for their session the children are encouraged to recognise and find their own nametag to hang on a chosen peg with their bag and coat.
  • They will partake in circle times where we discuss what the children would like to learn, show and tell achievements or special times in their lives, read stories, play focused games and sing songs.
  • Importantly we help the children to grow independence by challenging them in all areas and allowing them to take risks and explore in a fun and safe environment.
  • We believe it is important for the children’s learning and development to try new and challenging things whether that be putting on their own coats, cutting up their own food, or filling up their own water bottles (of course we are always on hand and happy to help, but a little motto we have in preschool is “you try it first”).

Upon leaving preschool we aim for the children to have a basic knowledge of numbers, writing, reading, early science and ICT abilities and the independence, social skills and enthusiasm for learning to thrive in the future.

Play area

Outdoor play is a valuable part of aiding a child’s development and has a positive impacts on their physical and mental wellbeing. We encourage the children to access our fantastic outdoor play area. There are plenty of opportunities for exploration. Children are provided with regular exercise and have many opportunities to be active.

What our parents say

“The staff are so kind, friendly and approachable”.

“My child progresses well and learns loads”.

“Positive atmosphere”

“The love this nursery has for the children – family vibe love it”

“Has always been a lovely nursery. Have used this nursery for 8 years, each child’s experiences have just gotten better”

Our Approach to Early Childhood Educaction

  • Settling-In Sessions: We offer informative settling-in sessions to understand each child’s development, likes, interests, and health needs, helping us plan their next steps.
  • Play-Based Learning: Play is central to our teaching, as it fosters optimum involvement and effective learning.
  • Carefully Planned Activities: Activities are designed to support each child’s development and emotional wellbeing through thoughtful adult interaction and an enriching environment.
  • Role of Practitioners: Practitioners observe and engage with children, using high-quality interactions and questioning to enhance understanding and address misconceptions. They also provide tools and intervene when necessary, acting as role models to develop children’s speaking and listening skills.
  • Learning Environment: Our environment supports all areas of learning, considering developmental needs and interests. Sessions include role-play, construction, sand, water, and malleable materials, with outdoor spaces extending indoor learning for physical development and scientific exploration.
  • Story and Rhyme Time: Held twice daily, these sessions encourage a love of books, support communication and language development, and introduce phonics.
  • Home Learning Opportunities: We provide parents with termly updates on what has been taught and suggested activities to extend learning at home.
  • Structured Routine: Our robust routine teaches basic skills, responsibility, independence, and promotes good personal care habits.

Our Impact

At Squirrels Nursery, we tailor our approach to each child’s learning and development through individualised assessment. Our practitioners understand each child’s achievements and interests, shaping learning experiences to match.

  • Individual Assessments: Practitioners and parents share observations to gauge each child’s progress. A baseline assessment is conducted by the key person once the child is settled, and this is reviewed termly to celebrate progress.
  • Progress Check at Age Two: For children aged 24-36 months, we provide parents with a written summary of their child’s development in communication, language, personal, social, emotional, and physical areas, as required by the EYFS (2021) framework.
  • Support for Special Educational Needs (SEN): If a child is identified with SEN through assessments or parental concerns, additional assessments are conducted. Our SENCo collaborates with families, staff, and professionals to ensure targeted support and appropriate provisions are in place.

By understanding and responding to each child’s unique needs, we create a supportive and enriching environment for all children to thrive.

Evaluation of Provision:

  • Squirrels nursery have improvement plans for all rooms which is devised by observations, environmental audits and supervision feedback.
  • We work closely with local Reception teachers to ensure that when children leave us at the end of their preschool year they have the necessary skills to thrive in a school setting. We work collaboratively with schools to ensure an effective and supportive programme is created to ensure a smooth transition.
  • We also regularly gather and consider feedback from children, practitioners and parents to ensure that quality of our practice and provision is constantly improving. Children are consulted through for their views. Staffs are provided with opportunities to share their thoughts at team meetings and within supervisions. Parents are consulted and have opportunities to share their views through questionnaires and feedback forms.
  • Any feedback and information gathered is reflected on by our leadership and management team and our practice and provision is shaped accordingly to ensure high standards of care and education are consistently provided.

Information for Parents

What does my child need in their bag?

  • Weather appropriate clothing: Coat and wellies in winter months as we play a lot outdoors. sun hats in Summer.
  • A change of clothes in a labelled bag. We do like to do a lot of messy play and please can you bring extra spares if your child is toilet training.
  • Nappies and wipes. Nappy cream if required.
  • We provide each child with a drink bottle that they can access throughout the day so please do not send juice or drinks. If they are sent in, they will remain in your child’s bag.
  • A comforter to help them sleep, such as a teddy or a small blanket if they require one. We will allow dummies for sleeping and comforting only but your key worker will discuss our dummy policy with you.
  • Medication/Inhaler – labelled with your child’s name. All inhalers must have a spacer. Prescribed medication must have the label with dosage on it. Administration forms to be completed before we can give it.
  • We provide a morning and afternoon snack, but will require you to bring a lunch in for your child. We do operate a healthy eating policy, therefore would like you to support us with this in providing your child with a healthy lunch box we do not allow sweets in lunch boxes.
  • Please do not send in your child’s own toys in case they get lost or broken. They can often cause friction with other children too, and we have so many toys and resources to keep your child busy at nursery.
  • Finally, please be mindful of what is in your child’s bag. Don’t leave any items of value, or potential risk in case a child has access to it.


What snacks are provided?

  • We offer a morning snack to all children at 9:30am which is usually cereal/toast, a piece of fruit and milk and water.
  • All children are offered their own personalised water bottle when they attend, so you do not need to pack a drink for your child.
  • We offer an afternoon snack at 3pm to all children too which will consist of a carbohydrate (cracker, breadstick, etc), a piece of fruit or vegetable and milk/water.
  • Children who stop for lunch will need to bring a packed lunch. Please could we ask that you provide an ice pack within your child’s lunch pack to keep the food cool. We encourage healthy eating and would ask if you could help us by providing your child with a healthy lunch box. If you need ideas please look at these useful websites below:



What is the role of Key Person and parent partnership? 

All children are allocated a key person; you will be informed of who this is on the first settling in. The key person is responsible to observe, plan and review your child’s progress/development. The key person will ask you, the parents/carers, to support assessing you child’s development and for planning your child’s next steps by asking you to complete a parent questionnaire every term. You will also be asked to tell us all about your child’s wow moments at home which can be contributed into their learning diary.


Why do you carry out two year checks? 

All children in our care who are aged 2 years will have a 2 year check carried out. We try to do these prior to the health visitor carrying out their assessment so it can shared with them. Please let us know when you have your development check with health visitor to ensure our check is carried out prior to the meeting.


What do I do if my child is not well? 

Recommended EXCLUSION periods for common infections

Chicken Pox Once all lesions are crusted over.
Diarrhoea & Vomiting Until symptom free for 48 hours
High Temperature Until symptom free for 24 hours.
Conjunctivitis No Exclusion – However we would recommend your child receive anti-biotic
Measles For 5 days from onset of rash
Impetigo Until lesions crusted or 48 hours after starting antibiotics
Antibiotics Until child feels well for 24 hours


Where do I find the terms and conditions? 

All the terms and conditions are provided within the registration pack which you would have signed prior to your child starting. If you would like a copy of these please feel free to ask any member of staff for a copy.


How do Squirrels nursery Safeguard Children? 

  • The nursery works with children, parents/carers and the community to ensure the safety of children. The nursery has a professional and moral duty to report any concerns regarding the safety and well-being of a child by following procedures.
  • Children must be brought and collected by an adult. Staff should be informed if someone different will be collecting the child and a password system is in use.
  • No person under the age of 16 will be able to pick up a child.
  • If your address or contact numbers change it is important to ensure you tell us so records can be updated.
  • All staff are DBS checked.

Free Childcare

Where can I find more information about 2, 3 & 4-year-old funding and Tax-free childcare?

We provide Nursery Education Funding for eligible 2-year-olds, as well as 15 hours funding for all 3 and 4 year-olds and 30 hours funding for eligible 3 and 4-year-olds.

The term after your child’s third birthday is when they become entitled to a minimum of 15 hours funded care for 38 weeks of the year. We will claim the funding on your behalf and invoice for any additional time or costs. You will be asked to fill out a parent claim form and we will forward this to the local authority in order to claim your funding.

For more information you can access: https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/ to find out more about how you can get help with childcare costs.

We accept all childcare vouchers. Useful information on Child Tax Credit can be found at: http://taxcredits.direct.gov.uk/

Sessions and Fees

We are open for 51 weeks per year and offer flexible sessions/full days between 8.00am and 6.00 pm Monday to Friday.

Fee Rates Effective From 1st April 2024

Session Timings Cost
Full Day 8:00am – 5:00pm £60
Short Day 9:00am – 4:00pm £48
Extra Hour 1 hour £7.50

How are we Invoiced?

  • Invoices are e-mailed to yourself the first week of the month. These must be paid 7 days after receiving the invoice via the reception in Willow Trees either by cash or chip and pin, or you can pay via a bank transfer, the bank details are at the bottom of the invoice.
  • All invoices are sent via the email you have provided on your booking and fees agreement.
  • There is a £40 registration fee charged to all new children starting (expect for children who receive funding)
  • Full amount is required to be paid when children are off for any reason- Unless prior arrangement has been made by Manager.
  • You will still be charged on bank holidays and when the nursery closes due to adverse weather.
  • Further information regarding terms and conditions is available in the registration pack.

Early Help

We all know that parenting is hard work, children don’t come with their own instruction manual on how to parent them, and at times, families might need a little bit of a helping hand. This is where you may consider some Early Help.

The document below provides essential information for parents and caregivers in the local area about the wide range of support services available. From parenting workshops and baby clinics to SEND support and mental wellbeing resources, the document offers guidance for families at every stage. It includes practical advice on financial help, housing, and accessing food banks. Additionally, families can find details on local activities as well as important health services like the Minor Injury Units and dental care. This resource aims to connect families with the support they need for a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Click me for Early Help Resources


General Enquiries:


Designated Safeguarding Lead & Nursery Manager: Lynsey Abbotts

lynsey.abbotts@ymcaworcestershire.org.uk – 01527 65668

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead & Nursery Deputy Manager: Caroline Prentice

caroline.prentice@ymcaworcestershire.org.uk – 01527 65668


Registered Provider: Mel Braden

Family Front Door (Children’s Social Care in Worcestershire):

01905 822666 Monday to Thursday 9am to 4.00pm, Friday (9am-4:30am)

01905 768020 (evenings and weekends)

Police: Call 999 in an emergency, e.g. when a crime is in progress, when there is danger to life or when violence is being used or threatened.  For less urgent issues call local police on 101.

Ofsted: 0300 123 1231

NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000 (Mon-Fri 8am-10pm, weekends 9am-6pm)

West Mercia Prevent Team: 01386 591825/ 591835 / 591816


NSPCC FGM Helpline: 0800 028 3550


Our OFSTED report is available either via the OFSTED website: https://files.ofsted.gov.uk/v1/file/2684783

Quotes from our most recent OFSTED in February 2023:
– ” Children arrive happy and eager to begin their play. They are greeted by the caring and friendly staff team”
– “ Children benefit from an ambitious curriculum”
– “Children access a wide range of good-quality toys and resources”
– “Babies are settled and content. Staff are tuned into their individual needs.”
– ” Babies receive lots of cuddles from the staff throughout the day”.
– “Staff offer lots of encouragement and reassurance.”