1 January 2024

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here!”

2 Corinthians 5:17


I spotted this month’s reflection on a church leaflet about a week ago and I just found it so relevant to us! It’s a New Year, fresh start. We’ve tidied away the Christmas stuff and said farewell to 2023, welcoming in 2024 and all that this new year might bring.

So how might a new year, fresh start work for us in YMCA Worcestershire? For some, especially our new colleagues, listed within this newsletter, it is absolutely a fresh start – and we’re delighted they’ve chosen to make that fresh start with us. Welcome to them all!

For the rest of us? Well, it IS a fresh start but not one that throws the baby out with the bathwater – rather one that honours the work we have done to date but seeks to develop it further. There are things we do really well and want to keep on doing. There are other things we’re working to improve. And maybe there ARE some things that actually are not working for us. We could apply this to our work areas (and, indeed, ourselves and our wider lives).

As an organisation, we have been through some challenging times recently. Now we are getting ready for a bit of “blue sky” thinking (and indeed seeing some actual blue sky now and again to inspire us!). We are starting to get deep into conversations around our direction: What do we want to do going forward? Why do we want to do this and not something else? How can we make it happen in the best way possible? In essence, how can Worcestershire be a better place for young people and communities because of our OUR input? We are going to be seeking input from as many as you as possible on your thoughts around these questions – so, start thinking! Ultimately, we want to develop a plan that means something to us all because then we are more likely to be able to make that plan become reality.

I will be in touch over the coming months to explain more about about this and how you can get involved. In the meantime – a small new year’s challenge for us all: see what you can do to let go of something that holds you back and replace this with something that makes life better – for you and those around you!

Happy new year and warmest wishes (especially during this cold weather) to you and your families.

Annette Daly, CEO